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Filtering by Tag: live show

Artist Spotlight: TJ Fox

This was one of my more memorable Spotlight shows. This was the first on-location interview I did, hauling a portable rig into Manhattan and broadcasting from an "undisclosed location". We made reference to the "concrete cell" we were in because it was exactly that; a concrete cell with acoustic treatment on the walls and no circulation. Regardless of the space... 

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Artist Spotlight: Michael Christopher

Listen to Live 2-17-2014: Artist Spotlight: Michael Christopher by jbrecording | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.

Just finished the latest Artist Spotlight show with Michael Christopher, an up-and-coming country music star from the Pittsburgh, PA area.  Check out the interview, where we talked about how he discovered his passion for music in a truly unique way.  I truly enjoyed getting to know Michael and hearing his story. If you have a story to share about your music, e-mail me if you'd like to do a show and we can get your message out there. Enjoy! 

Check out the Latest Artist Spotlight Archive: Joey Loglisci

Listen to Live: Artist Spotlight: Joey Loglisci by jbrecording | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.

Just had the first Artist Spotlight of 2014 with Joey Loglisci! Check out the replay here. This was also the first Skype-in interview; we decided on this at the last minute due to the wonky winter weather conditions we've been experiencing here on the East Coast. 

I really enjoyed speaking with Joey about his history and musical upbringing. We listened to a few of his tracks from previous albums, and even heard a snippet of what's to come on his Summer 2014 EP, being recorded and produced right here at JBRecording. 

Take a listen, and enjoy the show!

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve 2013 live countdown to 2014 with John from JBRecording and special guest co-host Cofi Peel.

Just wanted to wish everyone out there a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year. Great things are coming in 2014!  We did a special 2 hour countdown to 2014 show, featuring a special guest co-host, Miss Cofi Peel! And, for the first time, we had some folks CALL IN to talk to us. Lots of fun!

Check it out here, enjoy! If you want to do your own radio show, JBRecording is the place to do it. E-mail me and we'll make it happen. 

Have a great 2014!