
Audio Mixing & Mastering Services • Music Production • Virtual Collaboration

Got a Question? ASK JBRecording!

Do you have a question about the recording process, recording studios, mic'ing techniques, internet radio, or anything like that?  

I'm going to do a live show soon answering your questions and taking your calls. I'll be posting a unique call-in phone number you can use to be a part of the show. You can also submit questions by clicking on  this link and filling out the form. This is not the same as the "Contact" form so please use the contact page for inquiring about recording sessions, internet radio shows, or anything not related to this show. 

No date has been set yet for the show, I want to make sure I have enough questions to warrant the show - so send in anything you'd like to know. No question too ridiculous or "stupid" - there is no such thing as a stupid question! 

Stay tuned to Facebook and Twitter to find the time the show will be on so you can tune in, or call in if you want to participate, or send in your questions now!